You are needed!
Students need you to help navigate homework assignments, listen to them read and take
What to Expect
Students arrive at Micah House after school and eat a nutritious snack with time to relax with friends. Story/devotion time is followed by homework help. A ratio of 1 volunteer for every 3 students ensures that each student gets the help they need. Homework is followed by daily individual reading. With the remaining time, extra-curricular actives such as outdoor games, art, science fun
How do I volunteer
Please complete the following application and deliver in person to either of our two
Opportunities at Micah House….
Homework Helpers
Listen to a child read
Bible/Life Lessons Story Time Readers
Recreation Time Leaders
Teach art, crafts, gardening, sewing, cooking
etc . What are your passions, share them with a child.
Great things are accomplished through unity…. Investing in a child’s educational, social, and emotional future brings hope to families and unity to the community.
Come make a difference in the life of a child!
Description of Opportunities
Homework Help Work with the kids on elementary reading and math such as addition and multiplication.
Listen to a Child Read Interact with kids as they read, look up new vocabulary, and ask them already provided questions.
Computer Help Monitor students as they complete online educational games, and help with basic research projects.
Tutoring Read with
Teach your Passion Nature walks, cooking, photography, Redlands history, etc. We can incorporate into kids learning.
Gardening Planting, weeding, and watering.
Provide Transportation to Offsite Events Use your own car to take kids on field trips or to special events.
Recreation Get out the game, agree on the rules, and have fun as you play softball, soccer, basketball and more.
Yard Work Picking up trash, lawn maintenance, sweeping, gathering up dead plants is always appreciated.
Bring Snacks We welcome things like store-bought granola bars, pretzels, chips, fresh fruit
Fix Bikes Fill wheels with air, oils chains, clean them off for the kids to use!
General Maintenance Cleaning, washing dishes, handyman work, and organizing supplies.
Middle School and High School Time Lead devotions, talk with them about life, watch them do their homework, or plan